Roy Reed Post 252
A petition was circulated on April 26, 1920 by 15 men who were later known as the charter members to form Winside Post 252. The names of the men were: Edwin W. Damme, Frank Krause, W.M. Rhudy, Jesse Witte, Chester B. Wylie, Howard Porter, Frederick Hansen, Henery Nelsen Jr., Clinton J. Perrin, LouisG. Heyer, Roy A. Carter, Fritz Swanson, V.L. Siman, Frank Wilson and F.J. Dimmel. August 10th 1920 Winside American Legion Post 252 was officially chartered. In April of 1937 The Post was renamed to Roy Reed Post 252 to honor Sgt. Roy Reed, who died from wounds received in action in 1918. The post has sponsored many events, including boxing matches, rodeos, bucking Ford car, talent shows and dances. A dance was held in July of 1940 a 1940 Ford V-8 Tudor sedan was given away. The Post sponsors a young man and woman to attend Boys and Girls State. The Post has sent 67 boys to this event since 1938. One of the honors the post performs is at funerals, when military rites are given to fallen comrades. The Ceremony includes folding the flag, Veterans Prayer, Color Guard and the playing of Taps. The Winside High School has provided a students to play Taps for the past several years. The Post is also involved with two holidays dedicated to honoring veterans, Memorial Day and Veterans Day. The Post covers seven cemeteries on Memorial Day and participates in the Veterans Day program at the High School. Post 252 would not be able to cover all of these programs without the help of The Auxiliary and the Sons of the Legion members. The Auxiliary has been a vital part of Post 252 since 1925 and the Sons since 2004. Post 252 is also involved in fundraisers to support local and national programs. These fundraisers include omelet feeds, soup suppers, fish fries, biscuit and gravy feeds, five-point pitch tournaments and raffles. The Post members serve pancakes to the veterans at the VA home in Norfolk twice a year, and root beer floats once a year. The Roy Reed Post 252 family is always looking for new members to help with our activities as well as bring in new ideas. If you would like to attend a meeting the Legion meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 8pm. The Auxiliary meets the first Saturday of the month at 930am. And the SAL Meets the last Tuesday of the month at 7pm